
How To Get In Touch With Facebook

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This wikiHow teaches you how to report something and the basics of navigating Facebook's Help Center to troubleshoot common account problems. Currently, there is no direct way to contact Facebook via telephone or email. However, you can use Facebook's built-in resources to report or troubleshoot a problem.

  1. 1

    Open in a web browser. This is the main login page for Facebook. You should be logged in automatically.

    • If you are not logged in automatically, use the username and password associated with your account to log in.
  2. 2

    Locate the post, comment, profile, picture, video, or ad that is a problem. Posts and comments can be found in your news feed, or on the wall of the person who posted them. To report an image or video, click on the image or video to enlarge it If you want to report a profile or group, click on the name or profile image of the profile or group you want to report.


  3. 3

    Click or Options . Use the following options to locate the Options button for the following content types:

    • Posts: Click the button with the three dots above the post and to the right.
    • Comments:. Hover over the comment and click the button with three dots to the right.
    • Images: Click the image, and then click Options at the bottom-right of the image.
    • Videos: Click the video to enlarge it, and then click the button with three dots below the video and to the right.
    • Profiles: Click the persons profile or name, and then click the button with three dots in the upper-right corner of their cover photo.
    • Groups: Click the name of the group and then click the button that says More below the group profile image.
  4. 4

    Click the option to "Give Feedback" or "Report". This option reads differently depending on the content you are reporting, but it's usually a variation of Give feedback and/or Report.

  5. 5

    Select how the content goes against Facebook's Community Standards. Click the option that best describes the content you want to report.

  6. 6

    Click Send . This sends your feedback to Facebook.

  7. 7

    Follow the on-screen instructions. Depending on the content you report, you may be asked to submit a report to Facebook. They don't ask this for all content, but they do use your feedback to improve their system.

    • To report a privacy violation, use this form.
    • To report a problem with a business or advertisement. use this form.


  1. 1

    Open the Facebook Help Center webpage. If you aren't already logged into Facebook, you'll need click the "Log In" button in the top-right corner of the page to enter your Facebook email address and password.

    Unfortunately, there is no way to directly contact Facebook – you can't call, text, email, or otherwise speak to an employee or affiliate of Facebook. You can, however, use Facebook's Help Center to diagnose and report a problem with your account.

  2. 2

    Review the options toolbar. This is at the top of the screen, directly beneath the search bar-- you'll need to drag your mouse cursor over each option to view its subsections. Your options include the following:

    • Using Facebook - This section of the Help Center covers basic Facebook functionality, including how-tos on friending, messaging, and account creation.
    • Managing Your Account - This section covers items such as your login and your profile settings.
    • Privacy and Safety - This section addresses account security, unfriending people, and hacked/fake accounts.
    • Policies and Reporting - This section covers basic reporting (abuse, spam, etc.) as well as handling a deceased person's Facebook account and reporting hacked or fake accounts.
    • You can also check out the "Questions You May Have" and "Popular Topics" sections on this page. These sections cover a lot of common issues and complaints. Both of these sections are on the main page of the Facebook Help Center website.
  3. 3

    Select a relevant section. For example, if you're having a problem with an impostor account, you'd select the "Privacy and Safety" section and then click "Hacked and Fake Accounts".

  4. 4

    Review additional options. In keeping with the impostor account example, you might click the "How do I report an account that's pretending to be me?" link. Doing so will bring up a series of steps that explain how to remedy your situation.

    • For example, Facebook recommends dealing with an impostor account by going to the account's profile page, clicking the button with three dots (...) above a post, and clicking the Report, then following the on-screen instructions.
  5. 5

    Use the search bar to expedite your process. To do this, simply click on the search bar at the top of the Help Center page--it will say something like "Hi (Your Name), how can we help?"--and type in a few words related to your complaint. You should see several suggestions pop up in a drop-down menu below the search bar.

    • For example, you might type in "impostor account", then click on the "How do I report an account for impersonation?" result.
    • The search bar here only links to Facebook's pre-written articles--if you're looking for an answer to a specific issue not covered in the Help Center, scroll down and click the button that says Community Help to visit the Facebook Community Page.
  6. 6

    Open the Ads Help Center page. If your business or page is having issues with ads, your questions are usually addressed in this section.

    • To delve into advertising, you'll want to click the Creating Ads or Managing Ads buttons.
    • For problems with advertising, you'll need to click Troubleshooting Your Ads and then select an issue on the subsequent menu.
  7. 7

    Visit the Facebook Community page. If you can't find your current problem listed anywhere in the Help Center, your best bet is to look for it in the community forums here.

    • You'll see a search bar at the top of this page--you can look up topics (e.g., disabled accounts) from here.


  1. 1

    Open the Disabled Facebook Account page. If your account hasn't been disabled (or isn't currently disabled), you won't be able to submit an appeal.

  2. 2

    Click the link that says "use this form to request a review". This is toward the bottom of the page's paragraph next to the "If you think your account was disabled by mistake" header.

  3. 3

    Type in your Facebook email address. This is the email address you use to sign in to Facebook. You can also use a phone number here.

  4. 4

    Type in your full name. Make sure the name listed here directly matches the name on your account.

  5. 5

    Click Browse . You'll also need to upload a picture of an ID--be it a driver's license, a permit, or a passport photo.

    • If you don't have a picture of your ID available, take one now and send it to yourself via email so you can download it to your desktop.
  6. 6

    Click on a file location. This is the location of the image of your ID. For example, if the file is stored on your desktop, you'd click Desktop to navigate to your desktop in the file browser.

  7. 7

    Click your ID picture and click Open . This uploads the image to the Facebook form.

  8. 8

    Type details into the "Additional Info" box. This is the space in which you can justify the reactivation of your account. Consider including details like the following:

    • Why your account shouldn't have been deactivated
    • Why you want your account to be reactivated
    • Any other extenuating factors that might help your account be reactivated (for example, malicious interference with your account)
  9. 9

    Click Send . Doing so will send your form to Facebook for review. Please note that you may not receive a response for several days.

    • If you don't receive a response within a week, try resubmitting your form.


  1. 1

    Open the Facebook website. When you open Facebook in a web browser, a sign in screen appears on the first page, if you are not signed in automatically.

  2. 2

    Click Forgot Account? . This option is beneath the "Password" field in the top right corner of your screen.

  3. 3

    Type in your name, email address, or phone number. Use the email address and phone number associated with your Facebook account. Make sure you still have access to the email account or phone number you are using.

  4. 4

    Click Search . It's the blue button below the text field where you enter your email address or phone number. This sends a code via your email address or phone number.

  5. 5

    Check for a message from Facebook. If you entered your email address, you should receive an email from Facebook containing a 6-digit code. If entering a mobile number, you should receive a text message from Facebook containing a 6-digit code.

    • If you choose the email option, you may have to check your Spam folder.
  6. 6

    Type your code. Use the box that says "Enter Code" to type the 6-digit code received from the email or text message you received from Facebook.

  7. 7

    Click Continue on the Facebook page. It's the blue button below the box on the right.

  8. 8

    Click Continue again. You can also choose to log out of your account on all devices if you think your account has been maliciously appropriated.

  9. 9

    Type in a new password.

  10. 10

    Click Continue . Your password has successfully been reset across all Facebook platforms. You can use this password to log in to your Facebook on a desktop browser or using the mobile app.


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  • Question

    Does Facebook have a contact number?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    Unfortunately, it does not have a publicly available customer support number. A number with the area code 650 that frequently shows up in online sources as being linked to Facebook is actually a scam number. You'll need to contact Facebook through their online help center.

  • Question

    Does Facebook offer live chat for customer support?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    In general, no. However, if you use Facebook ads and have an active ad account, you can get live chat support by going to and scrolling down to the section labeled "Still need help?" There, you'll see options to chat live or send an email to support.

  • Question

    Some contacted me claiming I won money through a Facebook promotion. Is this real?

    Community Answer

    No! Facebook does not run a lottery, give away money, or ask for bank or credit card info for any reason. This is a scam. Do not reply to the message.

  • Question

    Do I need a government ID to reset my password, or is this a scam?

    Community Answer

    No, that is a scam. Do not give out any personal information unless face to face with the person requesting it or applying for credit cards, jobs, certain accounts, etc.

  • Question

    I keep getting text messages with codes to reset my password. I never put in my cell phone number in my Facebook account, and I never requested to reset my password. What is going on?

    Community Answer

    It's a random scam. Someone is attempting to hijack your account. Change your password and use the Facebook privacy settings section to log out of all of your current devices and sessions.

  • Question

    Why would an internal error keep blocking me when I am logged into Facebook?

    Community Answer

    If this error is still persisting, and preventing you from utilizing Facebook, they would probably like to know about it. Finding bugs and glitches is actually a big-money industry, and Facebook definitely doesn't want any weaknesses in their platform. Unfortunately, they have made it nearly impossible to contact them about specific glitches. You can submit reports about glitches with the report tool, or contact them through the BBB as outlined in this article.

  • Question

    Someone has opened a Facebook account using my name. How do I delete this fake account?

    Community Answer

    Visit their profile and click "Report" in the menu options. If you don't have your own Facebook account, use this form instead.

  • Question

    How do I report a stolen account?

    Community Answer
  • Question

    Someone opened an account using one of my email addresses and I am getting all her notifications. How can I stop this?

    Community Answer

    Log in with that email address and do the "forgot password" option. Once they email the reset to you, change the password. If she doesn't have access to the email account, she should not be able to get the password. Be sure to log out of all active logins.

  • Question

    Facebook says my account is temporarily locked. How do I access it again?

    Community Answer

    Try clearing your browser's cache, or deleting and reinstalling the phone app. If this doesn't work, just try again once a day until your access returns.

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  • If you can't find the issue about which you wish to contact Facebook in the Help Center, try looking in the Community section--the posts there are usually better-suited to outlying cases.


  • Facebook's customer service is notoriously detached, meaning that you'll likely get a generic response to most inquiries.


About This Article

Article SummaryX

1. Open the Facebook Help Center webpage.
2. Review the options toolbar at the top of the screen.
3. Select a relevant section.
4. Follow Facebook's on-screen instructions.

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How To Get In Touch With Facebook


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